Quantum Bracelets & Necklaces
That fight infection and diseases & strengthen the immune system
Quantum Energy Sheath & Barrel
That absorb and transmute radiation released by high-level nuclear waste into harmless molecular particles
President, CTO
Public Relations Officer
Head of logistics
Communication Director
Communication Advisor
Read of our latest success, in the press
James Whitefield | May 15th 2015
Per modus quaeque eu. Per te fabulas intellegat. Ut quem sonet quidam mel, velit audiam has at, numquam singulis sensibus sea ut.
Amanda Palmer | April 25th 2015
Duis albucius vis in. Ea nostro diceret nec, ad sit mentitum copiosae. Id causae mandamus molestiae vim. Sed appareat instructior at.
Amanda Palmer | April 5th 2015
Usu et quis comprehensam, purto harum gubergren mei an. Diam augue id qui, mel te omittam electram, denique atomorum in mel.